Thursday, August 15, 2024

Compilation of short MORNING THOUGHTS.

Previously posted on my Facebook Page.

Sad. Yesterday: 9/11. Yet not many posted thoughts about it. Most that I read are the usual Trump shaming. How quick the reverb of Jan 6 muted Uvalde or how many know that there have been 314 U.S. mass shootings this year, so far? Inflation is still 8.5 percent. Average inflation between 2016 and 2020: 1.9 percent. Gasoline per gallon is over $3. Same month, 2020: $2.06. Do we care? Anything Trump is the undisputed highlight of media fancy and American primetime. πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘€πŸ‘‰

I am never extreme. Or either/or kind of dude. I got definite no’s as private thingies but I am basically here and there where stuff and things are essentially cool to the majority. Issues that I don’t agree with don’t prod me to lose friendships. Takes more than those. I eat anything that is called Food. I drink all beers or kinds of alcohol/intoxications with a personal limit. Etcetera. People? Left, Right, Center, wherever. Let’s talk about it. Complete sentences only. πŸ˜›πŸ€“πŸ˜Ž

Queen Elizabeth has died. She is 96 years old. We age and then we pass away. Amidst all the superlatives, I view Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor as the Queen of Great Britain which colonized, subjugated, and plundered many nations for centuries. In current times, the Royals receive $86 million in annual “sovereign fund” from taxpayers. A fitting legacy would be allotment of at least half of the Windsors’ yearly dough to poor Africa, which they ruled for years.☮️☮️☮️

Facebook posts are mostly about four subjects: (1) Funny, non-political memes. (2) Private/TMI drama. (3) Grownup insight. And (4) Irritating same political dissing as in the last 6 years. The first three are fine with me. Seldom I read #3. But I get overwhelmed by #4. Those snides, asides, crassness etcetera are usually consigned as high school crap/jokes in my time, you know what I mean? But sadly, on Social Media, those shamings are posted by old people, or older than me. πŸ—£πŸ‘₯πŸ«‚

A flawed cultural mindset among Filipinos is defined “colonial mentality.” For example, those who are U.S.-educated think they are smarter than those who studied back home. Or anything “stateside” is the best. A whiter skin, “pointed” nose, taller height, kickass New York (or British) accent means you are “better.” As (former) editor/writer for Fil-Am newspapers in NYC and Los Angeles, I came across this annoying discriminatory attitude among my “kababayans.” πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­πŸ“πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­

Annoying bickering politicians are all narcissism gig. Or they are simply telling their PAC benefactors that they haven’t forgotten the quid pro quo? Party supremacy wrestle: Blame Right, diss Left. Bipartisanship is integral in participatory democracy. But then the infighting, headbutting, or juvenile murkthrow have slid louder onto their blocs. Hence, many are confused what’d be the apt policies and/or deserving leadership. So they just refuse to vote at all. πŸ—£πŸ‘₯πŸ«‚

Unless I live in Iran or North Korea—then this “banned books” would be real. Banned books in a county in Tennessee and the entire Florida public school system isn’t “banned books.” There are 50 states and 3,006 counties in the U.S. Cross state lines and purchase a book! What about Amazon or eBay? My question is: Do you really read a book? My issue: Ban the gadget at least 3 hours a day so we are rested from memes and instead read “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy. πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š

Clearly, climate change is President Biden’s focus—alongside its contradiction, a hawkish foreign policy. Meanwhile, sure we can fix half of the world’s environment but if the other half is “unfixed,” what is the point? We are one Earth. The issue is both complex and linear. Then I point at Ukraine War and the battle for oil. So I question the sincerity. If superpowers end wars instead of pursuing them, then we can indeed stay true with “climate change.” But when?☮️☮️☮️

Memes, not including the obvious funny stuff—are like placards or billboards that howl a protest call or promotes a product. Placards could be cryptic sometimes but mostly straight to the point: Change! Billboards can be subliminal but the point is delivered: Buy! Memes though are different. Whether they are political or business, many are outright lies, distortions, or misleading. Or simply don’t make sense at all. I guess, that’s what we call “influencing.” Or rebranding? 🀨🧐πŸ€ͺ

Unless I decide to carry on a non-sexual friendship with an ex, all my (romantic) relationships in the past—are closed books. No interest in finding out what’s going on with their life and no please don’t talk about me. I sincerely wish them the best. “Moving on” is serious business to me. As Boz Scaggs sang: “Once a story's told / It can't help but grow old.” I do dig “old” but that’d be books by Paul Theroux, movies by Akira Kurosawa, songs by Bee Gees, and wisdom by grandma. ⏰πŸ“Ί☎️